
At ExcellDent, our team of licensed dental experts is dedicated to providing you with the best in oral health care. Contact us today to see why our patients have so many good things to say.

fivestarsI have been working exclusively with Excelldent Laboratory since I opened my practice, Garth Dental, P.C. in 1993. The professional team of Excelldent provides me with unmatched quality laboratory services. They keep up with modern technologies, techniques and materials. I especially appreciate personalized attention they give to my practice and my patients.

Michael Gershanok, D.D.S.
Garth Dental, P.C.

fivestarsA picture is worth a thousand words! I wish I could show you my smile now! Love my teeth, love my smile, love my life!
Thank you, Excelldent!

Sophia A.

fivestarsYou cannot tell the difference between the look of my natural teeth and those made by Mr. Kazimir Krivko of Excelldent Laboratory. What a great job!
Peter K.

fivestarsWhen I need precision and detail, difficult shape or color matching – I know my work will be done without any worries and at its best at Excelldent Laboratory in Scarsdale, NY. I trust my cases to Mr. Krivko and his team; I know I can rely on his expertise and his close work with my office and my patients.
Oleg Zusin, D.D.S.

fivestarsI trust my veneers and my implant restorations to Excelldent Laboratory without hesitation. I know the work will be of the highest quality and excellent standards.

George W. Sferra, D.D.S.